Friday, April 24, 2009

Shhh...don't tell....

I absolutely love an article I found on Fast Company's blog today. Entitled "Three Secrets to Make A Message Go Viral," it really hit home with the public relations campaigns class I'm taking. Dan Heath and Chip Heath, who are known for their book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, list three ways companies can reach their audiences with creative, low-cost viral marketing.

Viral Marketing Focuses on Three Things:

1. Emotion: People are compulsive when it comes to sharing emotional stories with many details. These stories, both good and bad, are irresistible to re tale to others, and thus the idea spreads.

2. Public Service: In order for viral marketing to really work, you must have your audience wanting to interact with you. If they like your idea or product, they will tell everyone they know about it for free.

3. Trigger: This is what keeps your audience talking about you and your company. It is a steady reminder of what your audience loved about your company to begin with and begins a need for them to tell others.

Working with my campaign for university sustainability, I can definitely implement these ideas in my group's overall plan.

Plus, it was a fun read.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stress Mess.

I found an article of the "Six Traits That Separate the Achievers From the Wannabes," and really, at this moment, I am feeling much more like a sad, little, wannabee than those successful achievers. Not to complain, but it is simply for the fact that all my professors love to send me with parting gifts known as finals, and I am way over my head in work. Never have I been so excited for summer vacation.

The one trait Cheryl Dorsey is preaching to me is number four.

"Asset based thinking. 'Most of us (are) deficit based thinkers," Dorsey said. "But
instead of seeing the world as filled with problems, they see opportunities.
They see the glass as half full, and execute against all odds.'"

Maybe I should become more positive in my role as a college student. Why, in fact, most people never even had a chance for a college degree. And all of these projects might give me an insider's taste into the real word of working. And with such a positive attitude, I surely will make all A's.

There. I feel better already.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Clean cities may not be conclusive

I'm currently taking a public relations campaigns class in order to graduate. I, along with five others, am working on a sustainability campaign for the University of Memphis. I recently reviewed an article of the "Top 25 Least Wasteful U.S. Cities", and naturally, the title of the article caught my eye. What I had hoped would be an insightful view of Nalgene, known for their plastic water bottles, and their findings on what made these 25 cities so spectacular.

I was rudely disappointed.

Lets begin with the numbers. Nalgene concluded research from a mere 3,750 people in a nation that currently holds a population of 306,198,441 citizens. If I did my math right that would mean that for every one person interviewed in the research, they ultimately represented 81,653 people and their sustainability efforts in the United States.

3,750 people is quite a small number when trying to conduct conclusive research.

Another eyebrow raiser would also be the survey used in the research. While San Francisco was rated number one on the list with 86% of citizens stating they "live an "extremely" or "somewhat" eco-friendly lifestyle," it was also noted that the term "eco-friendly" was not properly defined.

Instead of finding useful research to gain insight on, I wasted 15 minutes using my PR research skills from last semester to critique the professionals.

And who says they would never use what they learn in school in real life?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Plain is the New Hip.

I guess Tropicana Orange Juice had it right all along. Now Grey Goose Vodka is following suit.

One of the most popular vodkas on the market has now changed it's design to fit a more generic feel of the market. The new design features simple features of water, feathers and eggs allows the brand label to become more distinct.

Although the bottle itself hasn't changed, it just goes to show that plain is often found to be the new hip look when it comes to marketing.

What will be next? Clothing?

Geez, I surely hope not!